My Blog

Portraiture Assignment

It's that time again... another assignment for one of my Sheridan courses!!!  :)  As you can tell from the title of this blog post, the assignment is about taking portraits... what you might be surprised at is that this 'portraiture' assignment is actually for my photojournalism course!  

What?!?!  Portraits for journalism?  That's right! Here I was tasked with making 3 different sets of portraits... What does that have to do with journalism you might ask?  Well, to be a journalist, you need to be able to work under a variety of different lighting conditions while trying to tell a story. So below, I have 3 different types of lighting setups. The first is a traditional studio set up, the second is a mix of indoor and outdoor shots, and the final is trying to use the flash outdoors to balance the light from the sun.

The first set of shots below are Executive Portraits... perfect for your Linked-in profile! I did this under very controlled conditions in my house using a muslin backdrop, a single flash (off camera left) and a reflector to fill in some of the shadows.  I'm quite happy with the results... and so is my wife (she's the beautiful model!!!). She's even going to use them in her own on-line profile pictures!

Portraiture Assignment.jpg
Portraiture Assignment-2.jpg

The next set of pictures below was meant to capture 5 different elements/interests in a person's life. Again, the model is my beautiful wife and we moved around the house to create 5 different and interesting shots.

My wife is a teacher with the Halton Board and a large part of her life revolves around teaching online courses. Here she is preparing a lesson for an on-line summer school course. 

My wife is a teacher with the Halton Board and a large part of her life revolves around teaching online courses. Here she is preparing a lesson for an on-line summer school course. 

Yes, our children are a big part of her life... but today they are at Nana's house. So, she gets some cuddle time with her favourite fur-baby, Sophie.

Yes, our children are a big part of her life... but today they are at Nana's house. So, she gets some cuddle time with her favourite fur-baby, Sophie.

What better way to pass the time while the kids are away but with a good book... Naps are also nice too! :)

What better way to pass the time while the kids are away but with a good book... Naps are also nice too! :)

She also loves being outside and tending to her garden. 

She also loves being outside and tending to her garden. 

And why not finish the day with a nice cold beer?!?! :)

And why not finish the day with a nice cold beer?!?! :)

The last set of pictures was meant to emulate a family portrait outside in the sun but using the flash to help balance the light. 

Here's a shot with the sun positioned camera right and a flash (camera left) being used to fill in the shadows.

Here's a shot with the sun positioned camera right and a flash (camera left) being used to fill in the shadows.

This final shot has the sun acting like a hair-light from behind and using a flash to balance that to create an evenly light portrait.

This final shot has the sun acting like a hair-light from behind and using a flash to balance that to create an evenly light portrait.