Everyone has their 'stuff' they just can't live with out, their 'things' that hold a special place in their hearts... but when is it too much?
The above pictures were examples of 'some' of the things and stuff my children have strewn about the house for their amusement. And, as much as I would love to say these piles of 'stuff' is all due to grandparents, aunts, and friends (all with the best intentions and loving hearts)... one can't help but take a look at one's own habits!
So, the next series of photos are of all the 'stuff' my wife and I have accumulated over the years... mostly my stuff. ;)
Again, like the books and DVDs in the above images, I don't think I will ever play any of these games again... Even if I wanted to, At an average of 15 hours of play time per game and with 5 hours of 'me-time' each week, it would take me 3 years to get through them all. And, in that time, another 50 games would be created that I'm sure I would like to play.
So... why do I keep all these old games??? Especially when they can be downloaded digitally now?!?!
So, why do we keep these things? Is it because we don't want to waste money by throwing them out? Is it prestige? Is it artistic to keep a shelf full of books in your living room? Is it because you want your kids to be able to play with your toys, read your books, and watch your movies one day so they might get a better sense of who you are?
Yes... all of the above.
But... do we really need it all? ;)