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Big People

Any one that wants to be a family photographer should also be able to take portraits of adults too... as cute at the kids are, moms and dads are obviously a vital part of the family photo!  

To that end... a year ago I enrolled myself at Sheridan College and have been taking night school courses to better my photography.  Currently, I'm taking the Intro to Wedding course... thus the pretend Engagement and pretend Wedding photos I posted earlier... but I've also taken a Portraiture class too!  Here's some of the work we've done...

Not only are these guys fabulous looking models, they are also enrolled in the night school program too.  We all get to learn about different styles of lighting; rembrandt and loop to name a few, as well as rules like the Rule of thirds and the Inverse Square law!!!  :)  (The Inverse Square Law is an inside joke as it has been a pain the butt for our less mathematically inclined people... but it technically describes how light falls off as the distance between your subject and light source increases).

Some people have come and some have gone... but these guys have been there with me since the very beginning and I couldn't imagine going through the program with anyone else.  Thanks everyone!!!  :)